The Stratford Literary Festival and Kissing it Better Charity have partnered to spearhead an exciting inter-generational collaboration exploring experiences of isolation.

In My Day - Memories of Isolation will be a published collection of the memories of older members of the Community recorded by their grand- and great- grandchildren.

‘Lockdown has meant millions of older people have had to spend time alone, away from family and friends, but for many of them it won’t be the first time they have experienced isolation.’ Says Kissing it Better founder Jill Fraser. ‘We are asking them to share their memories with their young relatives or friends over the summer, and we will be publishing a selection of them in a unique collection in the Autumn.’

‘Young people have missed out on so many elements of their education over the long weeks of the Covid-19 crisis lockdown,’ adds Stratford Literary Festival Director, Annie Ashworth, ‘and the project will not only teach them how to interview someone and create a piece of writing, but will also help them to understand their relatives’ lives – elements of which have been brought into sharp focus over recent months.’

Young people aged 13+ are encouraged to chat with an older relative - grandparent, great grandparent or family friend – and ask them about times in their lives when they might have had to cope alone, be it the experience of being an evacuee, facing emigration or quarantine during a childhood illness, or travelling alone. Significantly, the project will be accepted as the volunteering element of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Full details of the project and how to enter can be found at The project is supported by The Wilmcote Charitrust




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