Wolverhampton’s green, leafy parks and open spaces are amongst the best in the world, winning the Green Flag Awards.


West Park, East Park, Bantock Park and Pendeford Mill Nature Reserve have all been awarded the Green Flag’s prestigious mark of quality for parks and green spaces.

Pendeford Mill Nature Reserve retains its Green Flag Award this year with West Park, East Park and Bantock Park retain theirs for the third year in a row.

Councillor Steve Evans, Cabinet Member for City Environment at City of Wolverhampton Council, said: “Parks are the centre of our great city, and have played a huge part in helping local people to exercise and fulfill their wellbeing during the pandemic which changed our lives in so many ways. 

“A simple walk in a scenic park, or an area to meet while social distancing is what has kept many people going throughout the spring, summer and now into autumn.

“I’d like to thank our officers, volunteers and friends of our parks who have put in so much hard work and are dedicated to making sure these popular parks and green spaces continue to be award-winning beauty spots. We’re really proud of all our parks and play areas in Wolverhampton, and the Green Flag Awards are recognition of the beauty on our doorstep.”

The international award, now into its third decade, is a sign to the public that the space boasts the highest possible environmental standards, is beautifully maintained and has excellent visitor facilities.




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